Free ebook: 5 Tips for Memorable Photographs

A year ago I put together an ebook “Taking Memorable Photographs” which you can download for free in case you missed it. I covered 5 tips for travel photography (or any photography for that matter.)

In September we traveled to South Africa and I posted a few shots to my portfolio, but (blush) I just got around to putting up a bunch more in SmugMug click to have a gander.  See if you can tell which of the tips I was using!

I plan to put together a short video with my shots giving specific tips on animal photography. Look for that early next year.

The biggest tip I can pass along: Find a great “ranger” (guide.) Ours, named Eric, was so in tune with the bush and where to look that we seemed to always be in the right place.  Or did he have the magical touch where he could “dial up” on demand zebras, lions, water buck or wild dogs? In any case it was amazing to spend days in the bush, going out 4 hours at dawn and another 4 hours at dusk, day after day.

Let me know what you think.

Marc Silber:

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