Here are five easy ways to improve your photography:

  1. Learn to visualize your image: Get a clear image of what you want as the final picture and control the shot and image processing to get it.
  2. Take more photos, take photos daily. The more photos you take (but not shotgun, please) the more you put yourself out there. Just as with tennis — or better surfing, the more waves you paddle for the more you will catch (with some wipe-outs along the way 🙂
  3. Critique your work:Use these points s a guide and see how you feel you did in each: a. Technical quality?
    i. Focus?
    ii. Exposure: Light or dark?
    iii. Lighting?
    iv. Colors?
    b. Composition? Framing what should and shouldn’t be in the frame?
    c. Emotional appeal?
  4. Look over other photographer’s work and do the same. Also try to visualize what they were seeing at the moment they took the shot.
  5. Take photographs outside of the “box.” We all tend to stay within our set photos, make yourself get shots outside of that. Go out and shoot old cars, bicycles, people sleeping or nude–whatever you would normally not take shots of.

These are just a few ideas, there are many more points to improving your shots but try the above and let me know how this goes for you.

PS: I’m thinking of setting up a a critiquing venue on a photo-sharing site, would you find that useful?