are you in the matrix

Have you been brainwashed about photography? I’ll bet you have been and you don’t even know it.

Right about now you’re thinking, “come on, what the hell are you talking about?”

Alright, let’s jump right in. Here’s the first thing you’ve been lied to about: To take a great photograph you need the newest, fastest, highest- ISO, multi-media camera out there.

To that, I quote my friend Guy Kawasaki, Bull Shitake!

Look at all the great photos that were taken pre-digital with fixed, low ISO, no-trick cameras.

But before you think I’m just some old geezer who’s stuck in the glory days of film and can’t go with the flow of digital, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about what’s really important in photography and not the consumer-driven industry that convinces you to discard your “old” equipment that you bought just 3 years ago and shell out big bucks for the new version. That’s crap.

Ask yourself this: Who makes the picture, you or the camera? (Hint: Bambi Cantrell said, “people take pictures, cameras don’t!”)

How often do you need to be able to  jump to 25K ISO or shoot at 8 frames per second?  Show me your great photographs where this really mattered.

Now look, I love new gear as much as anyone. I also shoot a lot of photos on my iPhone and  realize that these will ever be great. Just because it’s been proven that you can do a fashion shoot with a camera phone, doesn’t mean you should.

I believe in using the right tool for the job.  Learn to use your camera so that it becomes instinctive and get out and focus on what really matters: You, your subject, and how to put it all together in a frame that tells a story. Do you have this simple equation mastered?

If not, let’s get out of the Matrix for just a moment and do this for yourself, and no bull shitake about how you’re too good to need this exercise.

1. Go buy a disposable camera for less than $5. You know the ones that you take back and they develop the pictures?

2. Now visualize the photos you want to make with it.

3. Then go out and make them. You only have the 12 or so exposures that it comes with, so no cheating.

4. Post your best photo in our Photo Share.

I will pick the best one and it will be featured on our homepage, Twitter, and Facebook. (cool eh?)

Stay tuned for more tips on how to advance your photography!