The Mission of AYP:
Make photography easy and fun by learning from the pros, who demystify, simplify and clarify to help you take photographs that you love and continuously advance.
Hello! I’m Marc Silber, AYP Founder and Executive Producer
Marc Silber by Bambi Cantrell
Advancing Your Photography (AYP) grew out of my strong visual arts background, having been a photographer for more years than I’d care to admit. I also love to show people how to take better pictures and found through my workshops ways to do that successfully. But I also found there is nothing better than hearing from the pros themselves about how to get great shots.
Then Robert Scoble videoed me on one of his PhotoWalks (see how far we’ve come!) where I was talked about and showed five top points that I’ve gleaned from my own experience over the years and from study of photography masters. This PhotoWalk drew a lot of attention and I was hooked on the use of video to teach.
So I thought, why not do a show about how to get great shots from the pros themselves? And thus AYP was born. We’re focused on following pros and having them SHOW you how to get those great shots, hence the name Advancing your photography — I want you to keep advancing every day.
Our first episode was with Ansel Adams’ son Michael in Yosemite. What an amazing experience to hear what it was like to work with his dad, and get some inside stories about Ansel. The Ansel Adams Gallery also graciously loaned us rare unreleased footage of Ansel talking about the whole key to a good photograph (is visualization.)
We’re following Pros and asking them how they get their great shots and having them show you, so that you can go right out and use these tips yourself. Stay tuned for each episode and use what you’ve learned. But I also want to hear from you what you’d like us to cover so leave your comments or send me an email.