About Jerome Milac

e-commerce consultant

AYP Book Resources

Advancing Your Photography: A Handbook for Creating Photos You'll Love AYP Resources Here are some of the resources found in the AYP book! Whenever I say “google” something (in the book), check here first to see if I did the “googling” for you. You may find a link just waiting for you to click

AYP Recommended Gear

Advancing Your Photography: Some of the gear we use! Recommended Gear Did you ever wonder, how, we at AYP, come to produce our photographs and videos? At last, here is a sneak preview of the meaningful gear we are using! Cameras Canon EOS 5D Mark III

Advancing Your Photography Handbook | Pre-order BONUS

GET YOUR PRE-ORDER BONUS NOW! We'll also add you to our newsletter Fill out the form below, receive our AYP Basic Photography Shoot Checklist, and enter to win a cool bag from ThinkTank Pre-Order Now at only $19.95 and get a chance to win a ThinkTank StreetWalker of $229.75

Advancing Your Composition : Colors

Advancing Your Composition  Part I : Colors Color Composition Polychromatic I - Photo Credit : Jerome Milac Photography is an art form that is based on the same elements of composition as other art forms : Painting, Drawing, Design, even Music to some extent. Masters have broken down elements of composition to

Inspiration in photography

Inspiration in photography Or how to get more efficiently in the zone Don't expect a foolproof method to find inspiration. If only it were that easy, right ? Here is rather a way, not to lose focus on your photography, a mere way to get in the zone, and stay here. Solitude - Photo Credit :