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So far Marc Silber has created 280 blog entries.

The Most Important Point to Remember About Processing Photos

The Most Important Point to Remember About Processing Photos We’re continuing our journey of exploring the Decoder Ring of photography the Cycle of Photography. This post we’ll be talking about processing. Processing in the Cycle of Photography Here's the most important thing I want you to remember about processing. This is way more important than

Lighting Tips to Help You with Portrait Photography

Lighting Tips to Help You with Photography We’re continuing our journey of exploring the Decoder Ring of photography the Cycle of Photography. This post we’ll be talking about capture, and focusing on lighting. Quick Lighting Tips You don't need to be confused on lighting, here are some tips to help! Lighting can get

How to Strengthen Your Visualization Muscles and Find Inspiration

How to Strengthen Your Visualization Muscles and Find Inspiration Continuing our dive into visualization, I want to explore how you can strengthen your Visualization muscles and find inspiration to help your work. For a good example, let’s look at Joey L. I interviewed him and he told me that really how he learned photography was

The Key to Understanding Photography: Visualization

The Key to Understanding Photography: Visualization The decoding of photography. Do you guys ever get confused about photography? There are so many kinds of cameras, lenses, lighting equipment and more. There’s also so many books to read as well. Well the good news is that there is a way to decode photography. It’s called the

Continuing to Decode the Secrets of Photography

Continuing to Decode the Secrets of Photography Equipment Continuing our look at the Cycle of Photography as the decoder ring, we get to your camera and equipment. it can be confusing, but I'm going to help you demystify it. An important key is something Bob Holmes has spoken about: you need to learn to see

The Secret Decoder of Photography

The Secret Decoder of Photography Have you ever felt confused about photography? I know you've been confused because I've been confused about photography, and I still am sometimes. Maybe you felt you didn't know what book to read. There's so many books out there on photography and classes. Where do you even start? How about

How to Find & Follow Your Passion as a Photographer

How to Find & Follow Your Passion as a Photographer This is going to be one of the most important post I've ever written. It the most important because of the topic: how to find and follow your passion as a photographer. Let's start off with this word passion. Oxford defines passion as: A strong

Make a Difference in the World With Our Art

Make a Difference in the World With Our Art Today’s topic is something quite important. I recently posted on my Instagram about this, and I want to extend the question further. What is the mission of your photography? You have to have something that you wake up in the morning and you ask, "What am

You’ve Set Your Goals for 2022, Now What?

You’ve set goals for 2022, now what? Now that you've stated your goals, how do arrive at the accomplishment of them? You don’t want your bright and shiny goals to get lost like all those past New Year’s resolutions (photograph every day, put together my portfolio, exercise more, don't eat____, walk the dog every day,

5 Steps for Setting Photography Goals to Push yourself this Year

Like everything in life, if you don’t set your photography goals, they’re not likely to just happen on by and knock on your door. Let me ask you, when was the last time you thought about your goals as a photographer? Lots of us keep going out and shooting the same pictures over and over — you know the ones I’m talking about. Nice shot the first few times you got it, but after a few hundred, even you’re tired of seeing it! How does that happen? You get good at a certain type of photography and keep on going out and finding that shot again.