About Marc Silber

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So far Marc Silber has created 280 blog entries.

My 48 Years of Photography

Chairs Peninsula School, 1964 I've been at this a long time, and as today is my birthday, it's easy to look back and see just how long this magical mystery tour called photography has been. The above is my earliest published photograph, taken when I was 12 at Peninsula School, where I learned photography and learned that creating would guide way of life. (Don't worry, I'm not going to

Make your Photographs Pop With Angles

Make your Photographs Pop With Angles 7th Grade Geometry © Marc Silber 1964 Framing is the most basic of tools for composing a photograph, or for that matter in any visual art.  You are looking at life through your camera and select out the rectangle (or square) that you want your viewer to see. Remember that framing can include the angle you choose in order to tell your story, this

Help Me Help You!

Hey guys, I first tossed this post out months ago and we immediately recieved requests from all over the world  to join this pilot project. We quickly found that we needed to have a  web-infrastructure to support it and so went to work to build the AYP Club, Now that we have, I'm updating and newly extending our offer --MS What would you think

Help Me Help You Advance Your Photography–Join Free Club

Join the AYP Club --Free We've been talking about creating a place where you can hang out with fellow photographers, show your photographs and get feedback and have fun learning photography. An ideal photography school, right? Well we've been busy behind the scenes and have put together the next generation of the AYP Club (Advancing

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