About Marc Silber

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So far Marc Silber has created 280 blog entries.

Photo Tips from Jeff Johnson-How to Get Mojo in a Photograph

Surfer off the Face © 2011 Jeff Johnson. All Rights Reserved Let's face it being a Patagonia staff photographer must be a dream job. As a surfer and climber myself, I was drawn to the movie 180 Degrees South, which lead me to contact Jeff Johnson and arrange my interview with him, be sure to

Eiffel Tower Color or Black and White, Which do you Prefer?

Eiffel Tower at night, 2005, Black and White and in color... We were talking the other day about the joy of black and white photography, and the next day I came across these two different versions of the same image.  Also, Allison had  her recent post on Paris so I thought this would be a good

Help Me Help You, Some More…

I wanted to take a moment on this rainy day here in the mountains above Silicon Valley, to let you know what we've got going on here at Silber Studios. We have a slew of new shows shot and are busy editing them, you should see them soon. And you may have caught our quiet