About Marc Silber

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So far Marc Silber has created 280 blog entries.

Tips From a Pulitzer Prize Winning Photojournalist

Photo by Deanne Fitzmaurice  Watch our Video Deanne Fitzmaurice is a multi-award wining photographer, including Microsoft’s Icons of Imaging and the big kahuna, Pulitzer Prize.  She is an amazing mixture of talent, curiosity, sensitivity, yet raw courage, rolled into a disarming package—all of which have allowed her to reach deep into the lives

Thomas Hawk: Getting results with with the right lens, prime Vs zoom

I asked my pal Thomas Hawk to answer this question about “getting results with with the right lens (Prime vs Zoom, f-stop and how it affects choices?" I'd say that personally I much prefer primes over zooms.  I find that not only are they much faster and thus able to be used more effectively in

Feedback for Photo Tips Videos–other ideas?

Hey guys, Thanks for your feedback to my question about what you'd like us to cover.  Here's what some of you said: Metering with your camera when you don't have a handheld meter I'd like the above - posing and metering. Is it worth it to buy a light meter? If so, can you recommend

Jeff Flindt Shoots the Curl– Again

Ken "Skindog" Collins at the "Hook" near Santa Cruz Jeff Flindt-- Senior Staff Photog for Surfing Magazine, sent me an email last Thursday that he was here is Santa Cruz to get the south swell that was coming in--and indeed he did as you can see here.  BTW the guys on these waves are big

Lighting Tip for Fashion Photography

We'll be shooting an episode covering fashion photography, a fascinating world, and one quite different than those we’ve covered to date. RC Rivera has an intriguing portfolio and sent me a sample of his work with note about his lighting: "Katherine" "When I was starting out I thought the more complex the lighting, the better

Dancing Through Life: Getting Tubed in Big Sur

Late in the summer of 1995 my wife and children and I decided to go camping in Big Sur.  We loaded up with all of the camping paraphernalia, bikes on top and of course my surfboard and wetsuit. We stayed at Pfeiffer campground out in a sunny open spot with millions of trees all around.

Whispering Secrets I Know I'm Not Supposed to Hear

Whispering Secrets I Know I'm Not Supposed to Hear, originally uploaded by Thomas Hawk. Thomas Hawk posted this amazing photo taken at the end of our very cold shoot! He was out in the water with a long exposure, as you can see from my iPhone shot: . Here's what he said: I had a

Tips From Thomas Hawk–How He Gets His Shots

Tune in to to Thomas Hawk on Marc Silber Show A few weeks ago  as the sun was about to set into the Pacific, Thomas Hawk and I, along with our producer Rocky, met up at Baker Beach in San Francisco--a tremendous view of the Golden Gate Bridge. With the bridge as our backdrop, I

More "Tubular" Shots From Jeff Flindt

Amazing to see these shots coming my way--look at these two just taken today (that means TODAY as in May 20, well, OK with the date line not exactly our today, but dang close) in Tahiti by Jeff Flindt. As an avid surfer I can't resist these waves but, but look at how Jeff uses