About Marc Silber

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So far Marc Silber has created 280 blog entries.


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore...dream...discover..." Mark Twain  

Scoble on PhotoShow

Scoble on PhotoShow, originally uploaded by marc silber. Yesterday we met up with Robert Scoble to shoot an upcoming episode of PhotoShow. Robert popularized "PhotoWalking" and had me as a guest a year ago which is what got me started on the “magical mystery tour” of producing PhotoShow. Now that we are rolling with our

How Thomas Hawk Gets His Shots

Thomas Hawk, originally uploaded by marc silber. We are having a real cold spell for us thin skinned Californians -- in the 40s and then add the wind chill factor--yes it was cold. And Yes, you have picture of a photographer dedicated to getting his shot! This was an iPhone shot--NOT with my Nikon, not

Tree in Lake, South Africa

Africa Tree in Lake , originally uploaded by marc silber. Going through my Africa shots again, ran across this one that hadn't put up before. It's a lesson to look over your shots to catch all of them that capture your emotions from the time you shot them: I remember this shot and seeing it

Moon Over Sand Hill Road (Silicon Valley)

Moon Over Sand Hill Road (Silicon Valley), originally uploaded by marc silber. Only had my iPhone returning from a long hike in Woodside, and there was the moon! Couldn't miss it. Rising over Sand Hill Road where the VCs are.

Sunset, Hermanus South Africa

Sunset, Hermanus South Africa, originally uploaded by marc silber. This was almost my last shot, ever! I was so intent on catching this shot, that I started to cross the small highway, instinctively looking first to my right to see if any cars coming--but this being South Africa, drivers were on the other side, as

Do You Listen When Your Lens Is Talking?

I've noticed that the subject of lenses often has a sort of mystery surrounding it. Newer photographers (and some not so new) often don't know all of the information that is available on their lens—yes if you know what your lens is saying, it's amazing how much it will tell you! Photodo.com  has posted a

Free ebook: 5 Tips for Memorable Photographs

A year ago I put together an ebook "Taking Memorable Photographs" which you can download for free in case you missed it. I covered 5 tips for travel photography (or any photography for that matter.) In September we traveled to South Africa and I posted a few shots to my portfolio, but (blush) I just

Unplan Your Planned Shot

Yesterday I had a request for an "emergency" shoot that needed to be done right away, before the client got on a plane to NY.  We all like to have our ducks in a row with plenty of time to set up locations and get your wits wrapped around the shoot. But there just wasn't