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So far Nathaniel Chu has created 98 blog entries.

Top 5 Free Must Have iPhone Apps For Photographers

Top 5 Free Must Have iPhone Apps For Photographers Let's face it, our phones are our lives. It stores most if not all of our photos, contacts, schedules, and whatever else that's important to us. As a photographer, your phone may be even more important than you can imagine. From apps that let you add quick

Back To Basics: Neutral Density Filters

Watch the video here Every wonder how photographers get great shots under harsh settings? The answer may lie in something called neutral density filters. Learn in this week's episode about how to use one of these to achieve better images and the difference between using one and not using one.

Dan Gordon WPPI – Photography Lighting Tips

Image by Dan Gordon Watch the full video Lighting can be one of the most difficult things in photography. Dan Gordon shares some lighting tips so you can learn to "paint lighting" onto your photographs. He'll also discuss his passion and drive for photography. Be sure to check out more of Gordon's work

Joe McNally Shares Tips & His Love For Photography

Image by Joe McNally Watch The Full Video Check out our latest episode with professional photographer "the Jackie Chan of photography" Joe McNally. In this raw footage, Joe shares what he is most passionate about in photography and what he relishes most about being behind the camera. In addition, he talks about his