Apple iOS 8 Review The new Apple iOS 8 is out and there are a bunch of new features. Advancing Your Photography gives you a close look into what's new and our favorite additions to this new operating

Behind The Scenes: Chase Jarvis In order to capture great shots, a lot of times it'll mean you have to put your body on the line. Chase Jarvis is one photographer who does not shy away from putting it

Behind The Scenes: Swimsuit Calendar Photo Shoot On this episode of Advancing Your Photography, our friend Michael Soo has provided us with some behind the scenes footage of his swimsuit calendar photo shoot with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' cheerleaders. Michael also

Back To Basics: What is Depth Of Field We bring you another video in our Back To Basics series. This time we discuss what depth of field is and how it affects your photography. Follow along and don't forget to take what