5 Steps for Setting Photography Goals to Push yourself this Year

Like everything in life, if you don’t set your photography goals, they’re not likely to just happen on by and knock on your door. Let me ask you, when was the last time you thought about your goals as a photographer? Lots of us keep going out and shooting the same pictures over and over — you know the ones I’m talking about. Nice shot the first few times you got it, but after a few hundred, even you’re tired of seeing it! How does that happen? You get good at a certain type of photography and keep on going out and finding that shot again.

Hello, friends

Dear friends, As you know, I have recently launched Create: Tools from Seriously Talented People to Unleash Your Creative. We are excited about the great potential of this title based on initial reviews, interviews and feedback I have received from many of you. A number of you who focused your comments on the business, motivation,

Tips on Photographing on Vacation with Dan Milnor

Photo by Dan Milnor If you’re a photographer and you’re on vacation, how do you go on vacation and not drive the rest of your family crazy but still walk away with something good photographically? This is the exact question discussed by our good friend, Dan Milnor. Milnor has traveled to Maine many

Steps to Take for Your Creativity

Photo by Rachael Gorjestari Just this past Wednesday, August 22nd, I had the fortune of attending a talk by Marc Silber about his new book Create. His presentation was very eye opening to what will aid people in lighting that creative fire within themselves. Being a writer myself, my creativity is very important to me,

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3 Hacks to Put Inspiration into Action from Keith Code

I’m going to give you the next series of creativity hacks from my new book Create: Tools from Seriously Talented People to Unleash Your Creative Life. Remember, these are tools that you can use to up your creative life. Be sure to follow along and tell your friends. We want to create a movement of people working

3 Creativity Hacks from Chris Burkard

I'm going to give you the next series of creativity hacks from my new book Create: Tools from Seriously Talented People to Unleash Your Creative Life. The purpose of this series is to up your game as a creative. So if you follow along with these, you're going to continue to expand and add to

3 Hacks to Improve Your Creativity

We're starting a video series connected to my new book Create, which has tools from really seriously talented people. This is going to help you up your game as a creator. We know as photographers we've always got to increase and up our game as creatives. But what about your life as a whole?