
Gear Review: ThinkTank Speed Demon 2.0 Every company claims to have the most durable photo bag, but just how durable…

Gear Review: Retro 10 by ThinkTank

Marc's got a new toy in the shape of the Retro 10 camera bag by…

Chase Jarvis Shooting With A Lego Camera   DigitalRevTV has a great series called, Pro Photographer, Cheap Camera. They flew Chase…

DIY Beauty Dish for $5.00 Among all my hobbies (golf, gardening, and collecting rocks) photography would rank at the…

Pro Photographer Bob Holmes – What’s in My Camera Bag?

We recently met back up with Bob Holmes and asked him to show us what's…

How To: Mount Your GoPro To Your Surfboard

This is a quick, concise guide on how to mount your GoPro Hero 3 to…

iPhone 5 vs. Hasselblad The iPhone 5 has one of the best cameras built in to a phone…

Instagram from your DSLR!   By using the Eye-Fi X2 SD card and mobile app you can wirelessly…

The Nikon D3200 is announced.

  The Nikon D3200 is Nikon's newest entry level camera. Once you take a look…

The Canon 5D Mark III is official

Canon's newest 5D, (Canon 5D Mark III) has been officially announced and is now available…