We bring you the latest news and blogs about everything photography. Dive into the latest insider news, the latest rumors and fads happening around the photography world. keep an eye open as we even bring you blog posts directly from professional photographers.

7 Photography Tips from a 3-year-old

7 Photography Tips to learn from a 3 year old Mac, a 3 year old, gave us a few pointers about photography, pay close attention to his wisdom and photography tips. You may think that 3-year-old Mac is learning to use a camera, but actually he’s teaching us adults some mighty

iPhone Photography Tips That Will Surprise You

  Shot with iPhone 6  plus. Hey guys! It seems like everyone is a "photographer" these days, in one platform or another. Whether you're a traditional photographer with a studio, pumping out prints for weddings and other big gigs, or you post pics daily on Instagram and Facebook (#nofilter). This week it's all about the social media kings and queens! We've

What are your Photography Goals for 2016?

Hey, like everything in life, if you don't set your photography goals, they're not likely to just happen on by and knock on your door. Let me ask you, when was the last time you thought about your goals as a photographer? Lots of us keep going out and shooting the same pictures over and

AYP Photo Contest Week 9 Winner – Pinkesh Modi

Winner: "Spread Your Wings" - Pinkesh Modi The winner of our 9th and final week is “Spread your Wings” by Pinkesh Modi. We loved the way he captured the motion of the water and the overall playfulness and simplicity of the image. Well done Pinkesh! Click here to check out rest of the contest album.