We bring you the latest news and blogs about everything photography. Dive into the latest insider news, the latest rumors and fads happening around the photography world. keep an eye open as we even bring you blog posts directly from professional photographers.

Draw Emotion From Your Photo Tips by Jack Hutch

http://youtu.be/RUpzi68cv8s As a former model, Jack Hutch knows a thing or two about taking great shots and he has the clients to prove it. Having shot legends like Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, and scores of super models; it's safe to say he's had a very successful photography career. Born in Michigan, Hutch began making art

AYP Insider: Meet Alixandra Richey and Her “Craving for Photography” –

Hello there. I’m Alixandra Richey, currently an intern here at Silber Studios and loving all it has to offer. I thought I had learned all there was to learn about photography and video (hence my fancy pants degree) BUT, apparently not. Here at Silber Studios, we push the limit on everything; digging and digging until

Behind The Scenes: Stan Musilek’s Nude Photo Shoot

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0hfJUdGAnw Advancing Your Photography takes you behind the scenes during one of Stan Musilek's nude photo shoots. Known for his vivid and breath-taking model portraits, Stand Musilek is one of the most sought after advertising photographers. This AYP exclusive shows the preparation, teamwork, and challenge it takes to create riveting photography. Sit back and enjoy

Rooftopping Is The New Fad

Image Provided via Google Search Yaroslav Kolchin, a 24-year-old tourist from Russia, illegally trespassed on to the Brooklyn Bridge in order to take a picture from atop of it. This act is known as rooftopping: where people dangerously scale to the top of a structure in order to capture photos of themselves and

AYP Insider: Life as an Intern

I am an Intern for Advancing Your Photography, and this is my life: If you happened to visit Advancing Your Photography anytime this past year, you would know what I mean when I say that it was an eyesore. It was clear to me and everyone else that something needed to change-- quick. We knew the site

AYP Insider: Women In Sports

"These days, the girls are hitting it as hard and heavy as the boys are." "It's a great thing to see. I'm use to seeing mostly men out here on the driving range so when I spot a woman blasting away, I like to give her a tip of the hat," says Lam

Tell Us What You Want to Learn About Photography

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zem4V81rcM&list=UUYYY0OELyiUyMfYHn0ZL6vw We want to know from you  exactly what you'd like to learn about photography? With our new website we're about to start a whole new round of videos and blog posts to help you advance your photography.

Key To Success – Organization

From photographers to CEOs, organization goes a long way; especially at work. It's hard enough trying to keep track of deadlines and meetings, let alone creative ideas. Throw in your personal life and suddenly the window ledge on the top floor looks like a sanctuary. Thankfully, there is a safer and better solution. Alykhan Jetha,