We bring you the latest news and blogs about everything photography. Dive into the latest insider news, the latest rumors and fads happening around the photography world. keep an eye open as we even bring you blog posts directly from professional photographers.

National Geographic Celebrates 125 Years With Photography Issue

"Afghan Girl" by Steve McCurry. Credit: National Geographic   Over the last 125 years National Geographic has been host to some of the most iconic images ever taken, and now the magazine is honoring its most celebrated shots with an issue devoted entirely to them. The October 2013 issue will feature instantly recognizable

Alligator Eats $1300 DSLR, Returns It 8 Months Later

One of the final images taken before Mario Aldecoa's DSLR camera was eaten by a crocodile.   Photographers are generally VERY protective of their equipment. But sometimes you just gotta know when to let it go. When a huge alligator snatched his $1300 DSLR camera, Florida wildlife photographer Mario Aldecoa figured it was

Drew Barrymore To Publish Photography Book Of Heart-Shaped Images

Drew Barrymore and her upcoming book of photographs, "Find It In Everything"   Drew Barrymore loves photography with all her heart. The actress is set to release her first photography book which will feature all images of heart-shaped objects. The 96-page book, titled "Find It In Everything," showcases Barrymore's fascination with photographing hearts

Photographer Captures Civil War-Style Tintypes Of Soldiers In Afghanistan

Photographs by Ed Drew courtesy of the Robert Koch Gallery, San Francisco   War photography has come a long way since the shadowy tintypes of the American Civil War. With modern equipment, photographers can capture details of combat like never before. But for some the painstaking process of working with old mediums has

Big (Startup) Things happening this month

The Big Stage from NYSE Silicon Valley is full of bright and ambitious entrepreneurs eagerly looking to change the world. They invent products for overlooked, or previously nonexistent, markets . They revel in solving problems that have caused many before them to throw their hands up. There's something inherently exciting and fascinating about that process. What

Remembering the Photography of Allen Ginsberg

Here's an interesting look into the life of Allen Ginsberg by a friend of our blog, Eve Pearce. Eve is an avid photographer who likes summer sunsets and writing in cafes. She looked into the life of Ginsberg and discovered that like all of us here, he had a keen interest in photography. Remembering the