We bring you the latest news and blogs about everything photography. Dive into the latest insider news, the latest rumors and fads happening around the photography world. keep an eye open as we even bring you blog posts directly from professional photographers.

Siri on the Canon 5D Mkii

A Swedish hacker and robotics student named Björn Mabrö is claiming that he has successfully developed a custom firmware for the Canon 5D Mark II that adds Apple’s Siri voice assistant to the DSLR. Mabrö claims that the hack allows the camera to respond to 124 different voice commands that control everything from the shutter to

Happy Holidays

Skyward view of Santa Pau, Spain Happy Holidays from Silber Studios We wish you a very creative and prosperous New Year! There's a story behind this photograph: Last year traveling through Spain, we came across the very photogenic village of Santa Pau, perched on a hill, looking over the pastoral countryside above Girona.

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The coolest bag for the grocery store.

  Singapore-based design agency One Paradox came up with this nifty idea for a promotional handbag for the Canon 500D DSLR. The camera strap handles make it the perfect bag for any photographers’ trip to the grocery store. Easily the coolest bag I've seen. (via PetaPixel via Behance via Wanken via Photojojo)  

Nikon will be back in March

In the fourth offical update on the situation in Thailand, Nikon has declared that everything should be back to normal by March of next year. The recent announcement of a new flash was definitely a good sign, and this shows that things are improving, however slowly. By Nikon's own account, the factory has been completely pumped

Do you respect yourself?

A couple of weeks back I received an email from a travel magazine with a proposal along the lines of this : “For an article I’m writing, I am in need of a few great illustrative photos and found your photo on flickr. Could I add this photo to the article? You keep of course

Address Is Approximate

http://vimeo.com/32397612 Address Is Approximate is a beautiful and creative stop-motion video by Tom Jenkins of Theory Films. Here’s the one-sentence synopsis: A lonely desk toy longs for escape from the dark confines of the office, so he takes a cross country road trip to the Pacific Coast in the only way he can – using a

Marc’s Fine Art Photography

If you'll pardon my shameless self promotion... These are Images of my life, photographs from around the world, spanning 6 decades, where I took my camera with me on countless adventures. Some of the images you’ll see are Big Sur and the California coast, the remote Sierra Madre of Mexico, Paris and South Africa to

Get Your Photo Critique

Here's a great HDR from one of our members, Alex Santiago. For those of you, who want feedback on your photos and tips on how to improve. Post your photos in our  Photo Critiques Group. We've had some great photos posted in there, and the feedback seems to be helping our readers improve. Even if you

Do your research

This frying egg has appetizing color and contrast, and its shape defines a trajectory across the pan—more like a comet arcing through space than a breakfast staple sizzling on a griddle.The concept may seem easy, but shooting it wasn’t, and the strategies that Seattle photographer Ryan Matthew Smith employed illustrate how important it is to