Photography Lighting Tips: David Hobby

David Hobby is a lighting guru-- seriously-- he is the author of the lighting blog. Early in his career he was a photojournalist for The Baltimore Sun, but now he's got bigger fishes to fry like sitting down with our host, Marc Silber, and passing along his photography lighting wisdom onto you. Today's lesson, of

Make your Photographs Pop With Angles

Make your Photographs Pop With Angles 7th Grade Geometry © Marc Silber 1964 Framing is the most basic of tools for composing a photograph, or for that matter in any visual art.  You are looking at life through your camera and select out the rectangle (or square) that you want your viewer to see. Remember that framing can include the angle you choose in order to tell your story, this

Photo Tips from Jeff Johnson-How to Get Mojo in a Photograph

Surfer off the Face © 2011 Jeff Johnson. All Rights Reserved Let's face it being a Patagonia staff photographer must be a dream job. As a surfer and climber myself, I was drawn to the movie 180 Degrees South, which lead me to contact Jeff Johnson and arrange my interview with him, be sure to