AYP Archives: Thomas Hawk Photography Tips

"Whispering Secrets I Know I'm Not Supposed To Hear" Image Courtesy of Thomas Hawk Watch The Full Video Marc met with the very talented and prolific photographer Thomas Hawk who lives by the motto: "document, explore, lather, rinse, repeat." With over 2,000 photo albums on Flickr, Hawk has spent his life capturing the

Don’t Be Brainwashed – Steps To Advance Your Photography

Have you been brainwashed about photography? What me, how absurd! I'll bet you have been and it's so deep you don't even know it. Just like the Matrix, it's all around and so "real" that we think this is "reality." Right about now you're thinking, "come on Marc what the hell are you talking about?" Ok, alright, let's jump right in, are you going to take the blue pill and forget, or the red, and find out just how deep the matrix goes down the rabbit hole? (or is it the other way around?) Here's what you've been lied about: To take a great photograph you need the newest, fastest, highest ISO, multi media camera out there.

AYP Archives: Backpacking With Your Camera Gear

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfUDeTfRGOo Today we dig into our video archives and bring a very useful tip from our very own Marc Silber. You've seen those breath-taking photos of waterfalls and sunsets overlooking a gorge, and now it's your turn to take a crack at shooting them. But what do you do with all of your camera gear? Follow