AYP Archives: Photo Composition Tips from Chase Jarvis

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkW8Ms7u72Y A truly amazing photograph starts with the right composition. Chase Jarvis joins us and shares his tips on how to create better photo composition. Chase Jarvis is a world renown and award-winning photographer. Early in his career he experimented with film making and directing but eventually rediscovered his love for photography. Not just a photographer,

AYP Archives: Portrait Photography Tips by Bambi Cantrell

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSUn7YPUVF8 You would have to be pretty good at what you do to be considered an icon. Think Joe Montana, Babe Ruth, and Michael Jordan. In 2004, Microsoft Corporation named Bambi Cantrell "Icon of Imaging." Three years after that, she was named "One of the 10 BEST wedding photographers in the world" and also became

AYP Archives: Tips For Taking Great Outdoor Photos

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM_EHs5tSaA Chris Burkard is a freelance surf photographer known for his distinct and creative photos. Unlike many professional photographers, Chris has not had formal training; instead, he developed his photography techniques through years of practice. His main style is natural lighting-- the main inspiration behind his outdoor photos. Burkard, however, is continually experimenting, especially with different types of

AYP Archives: Wildlife Photography Tips – Florian Schulz

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M44m_d5I4Gs We all know how rewarding it feels to hike to the top of a mountain and have the opportunity to capture the inevitably beautiful scenery. But sometimes you want to take a break from the cliche landscape photographs and just capture an image of the neighborhood raccoon; even if it's just digging through your trash bin.

AYP Archives: Wedding Photography Tips – Anna Kuperberg

http://youtu.be/Zzwf-zvRh40 Beginning her career as a photojournalist, Anna Kuperberg has been shooting photography and doing editorials for over two decades. Her notoriety comes from her astounding wedding, children, and dog photographs, all in which she claims to have fallen in love with. Currently, Kuperberg resides in San Francisco and believes that the most interesting things