Illuminate with AYP – Nightscapes: A Dash Of Red

Lighting at night We are so excited about this new series... Nightscapes Illuminate With AYP! All about photography and video at NIGHT! In this video we show you how gels can dramatically change the mood of your photos.  We documented our whole photo shoot, from beginning to end; also revealing the equipment we used! Let

AYP Archives: Mark Isham – How To Create A Movie Soundtrack

Watch The Full Video Multi award-winning composer Mark Isham is in his studio and discusses his process for composing. He shares his advice for filmmakers and aspiring creative individuals. Follow his insightful tips about the process of fitting music to images to create a movie soundtrack that grabs you emotionally and much more. From his IMDb bio: "From his days as

Create Emotional Photography: Tips by Mark Isham Movies and TV shows always seem to have an added sense of drama. The simple act of opening a refrigerator can be made into a suspenseful and heart-pounding scene. The magic behind it all is music. Music can draw all kinds of emotions from people. Whether it be a song that reminds you of

Photoshop your videos!

Don't you get annoyed when you hear people say "Can't you just photoshop that?" when you're working on a video? Well now, you'll be able to edit video in an upcoming version of photoshop from Adobe. We don't know what version this will be in, but this entire video was created using photoshop for editing.

Photoshop Blur Tool

Photoshop CS6 is going to be loaded with features. One of the newest ones to be announced is the Blur Tool which lets you create a depth of field look. It looks very natural and is easy to use. Watch the video and see for yourself how easily you will be able to add depth

Fauxtoshop by Adobe   This video by Jesse Rosten is the perfect example of how much photoshop is put into todays magazine cover photos and overused in general. How many models actually look as good as they do in photos in real life? It's a question to really think about. You can read more on Jesse's video

Blurry images no more. When Photoshop CS5 was announced one of the biggest features was content aware fill, a feature where you could just select any area of the photo and have it digitally removed. It's a great feature and it really does give CS5 the advantage over CS4. But what if the next photoshop could take your