AYP Insider: Meet Alixandra Richey and Her “Craving for Photography” –

Hello there. I’m Alixandra Richey, currently an intern here at Silber Studios and loving all it has to offer. I thought I had learned all there was to learn about photography and video (hence my fancy pants degree) BUT, apparently not. Here at Silber Studios, we push the limit on everything; digging and digging until we find all there is to know about everything. From composing the perfect shot and lighting setup, to the subtle nuances you need to communicate with your model; we find it all. And why do we do this? For ourselves? Uh, no. Well, sometimes. But, mostly for you! We thrive on coming up with ideas and designs for our audience so the art world can continue to grow and evolve with one of the most lovely art forms of all, (or so we think) — photography 🙂

So, a little about myself. I graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a BFA in Photography and minor in Film and Television. So, to say I’m a tech gear geek is the understatement of the year. I hold onto my Canon D Mark III like it’s my sweet baby that needs nourishment at all times. Nourishment, meaning pictures to take of course. I use my 24-105mm lens for most of my photographs, unless I’m not taking a portrait. I call myself a portrait photographer because I find human beings to be the most fascinating of subjects; I’m drawn to them. Even if I’m off on some sort of assignment, I will somehow find myself taking pictures of the lonely woman staring at the swans. 

I took a trip to Europe a few years ago and just got lost within myself. The people, the smells, the whole world was different. I was so lost and didn’t pay attention to a thing, but my camera and what I was capturing. I found a girl who let me photograph her and I fell in love with my own version of fashion photography. When I say “fashion photography”, I do not, by any means, mean “high fashion.” I don’t even like shopping for God sakes. But, we went shopping in multiple vintage shops and found a few little things to help with this sort of color exploration shoot I wanted to try. I wanted to match the outfit to the raw landscape of our surroundings. It turned out to be a beautiful experiment and I’m so happy we did it.

I will say that I had absolutely no idea I was even decent at photographing people. It just happened. What I really loved at first was studio photography, and I still do, and I am good at it. But, my passion lies with portrait photography in their environment and I feel like you can truly see that in my work. You can see the love someone has for what they do in their work if it’s good enough or if not that, through the way they speak about it. Not everyone is going to love your work. That’s part of being an artist. But artist’s gotta do what they gotta do. That’s who we are and we go with the flow. We have to take the good with the bad and the bad with the good and keep doing what we love to keep that beautiful artistic world we love evolving.


Alix Richey: