tell a story baldamero fernandez

Photograph © Baldomero Fernandez 2009. All Rights Reserved.

In the latest episode of Marc Silber’s Photography Show, I interview famed fashion and portrait photographer Baldomero Fernandez. Baldomero’s work has been featured in numerous magazines and trade journals, including The New Yorker and on the cover of Life Magazine. He’s also appeared in American Photography Annuals for the last decade, and has won numerous awards, including one from MTV for his work on a PSA.

In the interview, Baldomero offers some revealing insights into his personal motivations as well as tips on advancing your own photography. Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn:

1. Tell a story — Baldomero’s biggest passion in photography comes from his ability to tell a story. Creating a narrative, whether it’s preplanned or it just comes to you on the spot, is essential to great photography.

2. Be deliberate — The secret to creating good portraiture is being deliberate. A set that looks natural and effortless only achieves this because it has been thoroughly planned. Staging and presentation are everything.

3. Keep it simple — Even though you may have a dozen of lights up, the importance of simple lighting can’t be overstated. Baldomero also tries not to give his models a lot of direction, but rather lets the environment bring out the shot.

4. Stay focused — Most artists have interests in numerous places, as well as photography, so staying on point can be difficult. Baldomero overcomes this by diving back into his images and editing out the things he gets sidetracked on.

To hear more insights from Baldomero Fernandez, check out the latest interview from The Marc Silber Show. Also, make sure to visit more of Baldomero’s work at