mark isham emotional photographyMovies and TV shows always seem to have an added sense of drama. The simple act of opening a refrigerator can be made into a suspenseful and heart-pounding scene. The magic behind it all is music. Music can draw all kinds of emotions from people. Whether it be a song that reminds you of a bad breakup, or a tune that brings back the joy of summer; music is powerful. Mark Isham is a music composer who has had his work featured in movies such as Crash and Warrior. That hit TV series Once Upon a Time? Yup, that’s his music in there as well. We are fortunate to have him join us on Advancing Your Photography as he shares his tips on how to extract emotion from your photos with music and create emotional photography.

Key Points

  • It’s all about emotion
  • Music is subjective
  • Learn from experience

Take what you learn and share with us on our photo share page.

See how music can save your photos in this video with Matthew Jordan Smith.

View more of Mark Isham’s work here.

mark isham filmography