If you missed why I’m quoting excerpts from the book Damn Good Advice, by George Lois see my earlier post
a few weeks after starting my second ad agency, Lois Holland Callaway. As you can see, we’re selling an ad campaign
to a new client (with gusto.)
“Always do three things when you present a Big Idea:
1. Tell them what they are going to see.
2. Show it to them.
3. Tell them, dramatically, what they just saw.
“To sell work I could be proud of, I’ve had to rant, rave, threaten, shove,
push, cajole, persuade, wheedle, exaggerate, flattter, manipulate,
be obnoxious, be loud, occasionally lie and always sell, passionately!
Abraham Lincoln once said” ‘When I hear a man preach,
I like to see him act as if he were fighting bees.’
“To be a successfaul creative, be prepared for a lifetime
“Creativity can solve almost any problem—
the creative act,
the defeat of habit by originality,
overcomes everything”
George Lois
Buy the book
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