Hello, catching up

Sant Pau, Spain

Well howdy, sorry you haven’t heard much from me lately, truth is I went “off the grid” for a few weeks, well almost, I was posting to my FB, but that’s about it. (BTW that’s a good way to catch my updates.)

The very short version is, we took off for Morocco drove through Rabat and then to Fez and on to Marrakesh. I could write pages about each one of these places and show you hundreds of images and videos shot along the way–and I do plan to roll many of them out as soon as I process the huge number I came back with.  But let me say this, it was life changing, which I know sounds trite, but believe it does alter your view of life to experience life there. We really immersed ourselves staying in the “Medina” (the old quarter of a Moroccan city) not in western-style hotels.

So if you’ll be patient, I’ll get my images and videos and stories put together and roll them out for you.

And then we’ll move on to the second part of our journey, hopping over from Casablanca to Barcelona— seeing the work of Gaudi which is like walking inside a sculpture. Then later over to the Costa Barva to see Salvador Dali’s house and personal collection of work. Now that was an experience into what one artist can do to change reality: I was astounded to see how he provided inspiration for the Beatles, Peter Max, Andy Warhal, and really a whole generation of artists.  What really struck me about both Gaudi and Dali was their complete willingness and courage to bend and break the rules, and get their ideas out  in the face of “conventional thinking.”

Isn’t this what we admire artists for, their ability to show us a view of life that might have only been possible in a”dream”? These guys in Spain certainly were willing to get out there and create new visions of life.

I hope to put together what I saw and felt and pass it along to you soon. Stay tuned folks…

Marc Silber: