Help Me Help You too


Less than a week ago, I posted my idea about forming AYPClubs, and here we are with clubs registered in Japan, Romania, Seattle, Pennsylvania, and one on its way in Germany!

We have many others in progress, but at this moment we will accept only 5 more for the pilot, so if you want to get on on this email us fast. and get your club registered (it’s first come, first served based on the registration form sent back to us and accepted.)

AYPClub Purpose: To advance your photography, especially in the “real world.” Our AYP show connects you with professionals who have mastered their craft, who give you their insight and show you their tips so you can go right out and use them. The AYC Club is an extension which facilitates getting this wealth of knowledge into action along with your like-minded photog-neighbors!

I want to keep this simple so once you decide to get an AYPClub going, the next step is to pick a date, time and place for your first meeting and then use your communication channels to get the word out–emails, Facebook events, tweets, your blog and craigslist are good ways to start.

I’ll get you the critique format soon so you have it for your first meeting.

One thing I’ve seen so far: We have three levels of AYPClub members:

  1. Those gung-ho photogs who are willing to get them started and will do the ground work to get them promoted and rolling ASAP.  This is who we most need right now.
  2. Those who only want to join when it’s up and running. These folks will have to wait until we’ve got a club formed in their area and can then plug in.
  3. Professional photogs who would like to be a mentor for their club (but who will get a lot of benefit from doing so and hey, we all keep advancing!)

The most important thing is to simply get started and get into action. That’s how I started the AYP show–I decided to do it and then shot our first video and with some hard work and fast learning, we are now putting them out almost weekly!

Ok guys, I’m pretty stoked. You really can help me help you! In 2011 if we play our cards right we can get into some pretty kick ass stuff and hopefully you can make some major advancement in your photography. Stay tuned…

Marc Silber:

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