This is the full edit version of my interview with Jeff Johnson, who has a dream job as a Patagonia staff photographer. He gives his tips for outstanding travel photographs. Jeff  is also the lead in the film 180 Degrees South which retraces the epic 1968 journey of his heroes Yvon Chouinard and Doug Tompkins to Patagonia. Jeff talks about how the movie came about and his experiences along the way as a photographer.

A few of the questions that I asked him were
  1. How do you tell stories with your photographs?
  2. What’s the story of making the film 180 South?
  3. How was it transitioning from still to motion?
  4. How do you approach a photojournalistic assignment?
  5. Any tips for capturing great light?
  6. How did you do the voiceovers for the film?
  7. How about your tips for composition?
  8. How do you get the “mojo” in your photographs?
We  talked about a whole lot more, so give this full version a watch!