Shoot Photos Like a Pro Award-winning photographer Bob Holmes is sharing his top tips for success
Click to watch video Buy Advancing Your Photography Handbook. ———————————————————————————————————————— Top Tips:
How to Train Your Eye for Photography (watch exercise) Bob shared his “watch exercise” with us in this episode. Here’s how it works: Cover up your watch. Now ask yourself, does it have the number 12 at the 12 spot or is it just a mark that represents the 12 O’Clock hour? Without looking at your watch, answer that question? Bob says if we look at our watches, dozens of times a day, and we still don’t know if it’s a 12 or a mark — to be successful in photography, be observant. “Be aware of everything you look at.” Bob says you have to be consciously aware of what you’re looking at, whether it’s reality or a reproduction of reality. Ask yourself why you’re attracted to this image or scene, and what it is about it that you like? Over time you’ll refine the way you see. Don’t Do This If You’re a Photographer Think of the last time you took photos…What did you do immediately after pressing the shutter? Did you A) adjust your camera once, then keep capturing photos or B) stop and look at the screen to see how each and every photo turned out? If you’re like most of us, you probably answered B. Bob and Marc both agree, to STOP this “chimping” photography behavior in its tracks. “When you’re looking at the back of the camera, your missing the photo in front of you.”_Bob Holmes “You’re missing the connection.”_ Marc Silber “It comes down to the purpose of the photography.”_Bob Holmes Purpose: Personal vs. Professional. Whether you are taking pictures of a beautiful sunset or photos of a fashion model, Bob says you need to ask yourself, ‘What is the purpose of my photography?’ Personal photography can be spontaneous because you’re reacting to your surroundings. “There are some things you are compelled to take a photograph of and you can’t explain it,” – Bob
Professional photography on the other hand, like a magazine assignment, is when you need to have more structure (aka using a shot list); because you have to think about why you are taking the photograph, what you need to show and how you are going to show it. The image needs to be relevant. Bob’s tip is to always use a shot list on assignment. Being consistent is important. “We have to come back with the goods.”_Bob Holmes
Did this video leave you wanting more photography goodies?? Don’t worry, check out this video with Bob Holmes we did a couple weeks ago. And if you’re ready for a photography binge, here is one of AYP Show’s most popular playlists! Enjoy. AYP SHOW IN THE HEADLINES Host of the Advancing Your Photography, Marc Silber was just named as a world-famous photographer in this article on You can read Marc’s top photography tip plus read tips from other photography giants. Click on the link, “5 World Famous Photographers Give US 5 Incredible Tips to Make You a Better Photographer” and enjoy this quick read! “Advancing Your Photography is a work of art, about art! Silber delivers clear, concise content, for all levels of skill, and accentuates the details that matter most to getting the result you desire…” – David Lee Jensen, #1 Best Selling Author of The Naked InterviewIN CASE YOU MISSED IT “The whole conversation, about 10 minutes long, is well worth your time and packed full of little gems.”_ Digital Photography Review AYP Show’s other video with National Geographic photographer Bob Holmes is all about finding (and seeing) the light. You can check it out on our YouTube Channel, or read this article from “Digital Photography Review,” and watch the video! Take 60 Seconds to do This Survey AYP Show wants to know what YOU think! Click on this survey, answer a few quick questions, and you will have helped AYP spread the photography love to more people! Click here to read the latest review of AYP Handbook and find out why you should order your copy today! AYP RESOURCES PAGE Be sure to check in to our AYP Handbook resources page, you’ll find all the videos and other resources (with some discounts) mentioned in the book, noted by chapter and page so you can follow right along. Help Me! Help You! Your review will help others discover AYP, please take a moment and go to wherever you bought the book to give your feedback, it really helps! And tell your friends about the book and your results. Subscribe to our Youtube Channel. ‘Like’ us on Facebook. Tweet us @AYPSHOW |
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