Jeff Johnson Tips On Travel Photography & Composition

Image by Jeff Johnson

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Jeff Johnson is a photographer for Patagonia and was also the star of the movie 180 Degrees South. He is always out in the world capturing outstanding photographs from his adventures. On this episode of Advancing Your Photography, he joins Marc and shares his tips for travel photography as well as some of the challenges he faces.

A key component in photography is to be able to bring the feel of being in the moment to the audience. Being able to capture an image without disturbing it is key to taking great images. Jeff describes his approach to photography as being a “fly on the wall.” Be sure to watch the video for all of his tips including what challenges he faces for natural lighting as well as what he carries in his photo bag during various shoots.

Be inspired, shoot, and share.

Visit Jeff Johnson’s website for more.

Check out Jeff Johnson in this behind the scenes footage of 180 Degrees South.


Nathaniel Chu:

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  • #JeffJohnson joins us on this episode of #AYP. He shares his challenges in travel #photography and #composition.