John Todd’s Sports Photography Tips & Techniques


What would you suggest if we just want to get better sports shots of the friends and family?

You know, two of the things that I would suggest for better sports photography are: One: clean. That is my biggest thing that I am looking for in an Image is make your background clean. Clean up those backgrounds, make the image, the personal subject pop out of the frame. So think of yourself as a director and you are placing people on the screen. So you are the person who gets to place them there you get to pick the screen. So when you are shooting your photos clean up those backgrounds, nothing to distract what is going on so you can focus right on that subject.

Any final tips for our viewers who just want to get better photographs?

You know the one of the biggest things that I think the imagers struggle with is taking their off full automatic. You know I would say learn that camera. Put it on semi-automatic, your time value, your actual priority, learn how those functions work. And the biggest most important thing that I think now is that you can shoot ‘raw’. Sure it is an intimidating thing you get these huge files you have to manage them. But it’s like having a negative. It’s like having a fujichrome velvia and you get to print that image whatever way you want. When I see students work who had gone from jpeg to raw during one class session. It’s amazing, and they come back and say “I will never shoot jpeg againî. So that would be the biggest tip I have for everybody-‘Shoot raw’.


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Ben Revzin:

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