Lighting Tips From National Geographic Photographer

The Secrets Behind Natural Light in Your Photographs.

National Geographic Photographer Bob Holmes reveals tips to capturing photographs using natural light.

Let’s face it, when it comes to lighting in photography, it can seem overwhelming. There’s all these filters and fill lights, reflectors and more! But in our latest video with award-winning photographer Bob Holmes, lighting is made simple. Bob explains the tips and tricks to capturing the perfect shot, in all different types of light, to create that coveted “National Geographic” style.

It’s a common belief among photographers that shooting during the middle of the day (harsh light) is not possible, but listen in this video, to Bob explain why and how it is possible. In “Lighting Tips: How to capture that ‘National Geographic Style,” Bob’s advice will open your eyes and enlighten you. (Pun intended.)

Evening outside of a barbershop in Trindad, Cuba. Example of the lighting tip: “blue hour.”

Monks by firelight in Bagan, Mynamar. Example of lighting tip: Rembrandt Lighting.

Bob uses Vermeer Lighting technique in this photography of a tobacco farmer in Cuba.

Bob has a way of making lighting seem less scary. And for that, we thank him. We took some notes for you, from the video, “Lighting Tips” Pt. 1.

 Here are the main tips:

  • Learn how your camera reacts to the light
  • Know what the end result is going to look like
  • Rembrandt lighting
  • Vemeer Lighting
  • Spend time getting to know your subjects
  • How to control the light without equipment
  • The “Golden Hours” of photography
  • The “Blue Hour”
  • Eye compensation VS. Camera
  • Expose for the highlights

READ MORE: Want more advice from Bob Holmes and other expert photographers? Click on our Youtube Channel, “Marc Silber’s Advancing Your Photography Show.”


Hollie Fleck: Midwest girl. Traveler. Former television news reporter. Music lover. Aspiring photographer. Reader of good books. Grateful for my beautiful family and amazing friends. Email me @

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