Mystery in New York: Found Photos Capture Beauty of NYC Blizzard

Mystery in New York: Found Photos Capture Beauty of NYC Blizzard

One of the photos found by Todd Bieber in NYC’s Prospect Park.

When Todd Bieber stumbled upon a small canister of film buried in the aftermath of New York City’s (NYC) blizzard, something told him he had to get it developed. What he found has prompted a genuine photography mystery.

Bieber, a local filmmaker, has launched an online campaign to find the photographer of an amazing set of black-and-white photos that capture New York City during last month’s huge snowstorm.

As Bieber tells it in his YouTube video, one day following the storm he decided to strap on his “crappy” cross-country skis (apparently the only practical mode of transportation at the time) and headed out to Prospect Park. Stopping to take a breath, Bieber says he spotted a small, white canister of 35 mm film in the snow. At first he considered leaving the canister on a post, hoping the owner would return for it. But Prospect Park was 500 acres of blanketing whiteness — no one would be able to find it. So, taking a chance, he decided to have it developed.

What emerged were a gorgeous set of images documenting someone’s journey through a Manhattan winter wonderland. Many of the shots immediately struck Bieber as poignant and poetic — ducks floating in a river, a couple laughing on the beach under a fake palm tree, a neon snowflake in the fog.

He became so enamored with the images, in fact, that Bieber is now trying to reunite them with their creators. A clue comes from the images themselves: in one of the photos appear two young men. Judging by their clothes and appearance, Bieber guesses they are from Holland or Russia (“They have this European look to them,” he says).

Since announcing his search, Bieber’s video has received well over 1 million views. He includes an email address,, and hopes someone recognizes the two men so he can contact them. To hear more about Bieber’s amazing story, and to see more of the black-and-white images, check out his YouTube video.

Todd Bieber’s Photo Mystery

Jeff Racheff:

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