Natural Lighting & Other Tips From The Pros

Natural Lighting & Other Tips From The Pros

Image by Chase Jarvis

Watch The Full Video

This week we bring a collection of top tips from the pros. Bob Holmes, Bambi Cantrell, Anna Kuperberg, Chase Jarvis, Florian Schultz and Deanne Fitzmaurice all share their best tips in order for you to keep advancing your photography. Be sure to watch the entire video for their full tips and tricks on how to keep taking better photos.

Key Points

  • Be aware of the camera
    • Camera is the extension of you
  • Learn how to see the world
    • Shadows and light give images dimension
    • Always look at light and how it falls on subjects
  • Be in the moment
    • Have a clear head
    • Stop and Observe
    • Do not over-think
    • Soak in everything and feel the vibe
  • Develop your own vision
    • Set your pictures apart
  • Meet people and show your work
    • Seminars and classes
      • Meet pros
  • Scout out locations
    • Go to locations and look around
    • Be familiar with little things

Be inspired, shoot, and share.

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