Photo by Jose Francisco Morales
Note to Self
How do you keep focused when under stress?
There are many who go through some level of stress everyday. It could be caused by almost anything in your day-to- day life, we all know that.
For many of us, our stress originates from our job. Are we doing our job well? Could we lose our job due to the mistake we made yesterday? Our self- confidence and self- worth can be challenged everyday.
The question is: how do you handle that stress?
We’ve recently come across an interview with New York Yankee relief pitcher, Adam Ottavino who shared with the New York Times how he deals with the mental barrier of self- doubt.
Ottavino shared that he writes everyday. He stated that he found comfort in writing in a journal every day.
Benefits of Journaling
“Keep a notebook. Travel with it, eat with it, sleep with it. Slap into it every stray thought that flutters up into your brain. Cheap paper is less perishable than gray matter, and lead pencil markings endure longer than memory.”- Jack London
Via New York Times
Ottavino uses his journal to track how he cares for his arm, sharpens his focus, how he plans on handling the opposing lineup as well as positive messages to himself.
It is important to remember how good you are at what you do; to remember all the good things you have done.
Ottavino shared that throughout his career, he has learned how to improve both the mechanics of his pitching and his mind.
“It’s not just about getting grooved but staying grooved, and being able to not lose mentally the whole time.”- Adam Ottavino
Marc Silber discusses a similar importance to writing in a notebook in his book Create. Silber states that you cannot let your feelings of ‘it’s not good enough’ or ‘I can’t do it’ stop you. It’s your creativity, your art, there is no right or wrong way; there’s just your way. Keeping a notebook handy to write down whatever you need can only be a benefit to your life.
Always having a journal on hand can help you organize and/or reflect on your day to day life. It can be for your techniques, stats and positive thoughts like Ottavino; for sketching or drawing; or for story ideas and poetry. Writing down whatever comes to your head is an effective coping mechanism for daily stresses.
“Writing it down matter to me. It’s like a reinforcement.”- Adam Ottavino
Stay Positive
“It’s always important every day to remind myself of the thoughts I want to have when I’m pitching.”- Adam Ottavino
via James Wagner/New York Times
Ottavino described himself in his interview as confident but paranoid. Even with his years of practice to getting into and staying in a positive mindset, he still finds it difficult to push aside negative comments after a mistake.
It’s difficult to remain positive after making a mistake, no matter the circumstances. The key is to not lose focus. You have a goal that you want to reach every day so no matter what happens just keep pushing forward with confidence.
An important fact about Ottavino’s note taking he mentioned is he avoids using negative wording, such as ‘don’t’. Instead he aims more towards positive wording, stating something he can do.
No matter what you’re doing or how you’re feeling, grab a notebook and write it down. It can be a beneficial habit to your life.
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