jarvis photo compositionA truly amazing photograph starts with the right composition. Chase Jarvis joins us and shares his tips on how to create better photo composition. Chase Jarvis is a world renown and award-winning photographer. Early in his career he experimented with film making and directing but eventually rediscovered his love for photography.

Not just a photographer, Chase is also the author of several books; including one that features three years worth of images depicting the city of Seattle.

Follow along as he reveals his down and dirty tips on how to improve your photo composition technique. In addition, he describes what may be the biggest secret for composing powerful photos and how you can start taking better shots today.

Key Pointsjarvis photo composition

  • Less is more
  • Make it cleaner

Take what you learned and share your work on our photo share.

See more tips from Chase here.

More of Chase’s work can be seen here.

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