Instructions on how to critique photographs and advance your photography.


  1. Don’t just wait for feedback, go through other’s photos and leave your notes. Rule of thumb, leave as many notes as you would like to get — so if you’d love to see 25 notes on yours, leave 25 on others.  This will work if we’re all responsible for being a member of the community — looking and leaving notes on a regular basis.
  2. Your intention should be to help other photographers advance. Be specific and constructive.
  3. Lead with something positive, what you like about the image, again be specific. Even if there are things you see that could be improved, lead with what you like or admire in it. It could be “I love the strong colors you captured.”
  4. If you see something that could have been improved, note it, but only one point. (If there are several points, just find the one that you see is the biggest departure point.)  Again be very specific. This could be, “It would be more effective for me if you had stepped closer to your subject so I’m drawn in to him/her.”
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