Photography Tip: Finding A World that Lies Waiting To Be Discovered

Sant Pau, Spain

…through this photographic eye you will be able to look out on a new light-world, a world for the most part uncharted and unexplored, a world that lies waiting to be discovered and revealed.” ~ Edward Weston

I love the simplicity of Edward Weston’s photography: Nude in the sand. A bell pepper. An Egg slicer. The toilet in Mexico “Excusado”

He looked at the simplicities of life and found uncharted images. He turned the world on its head and had us seeing in a whole new way. He wasn’t following the fashion of his day, but making his own.

When I was shooting late in the day in Sant Pau Spain, as the light was fading and we were about to leave. I realized I had not looked UP and seen what was being revealed in the clouds! I ran around amazed at this small uncharted find, that I had let pass right by!

We can make use of the 1960s newscaster Scoop Nisker’s closing phrase, “if you don’t like the news, go out and make some of your own.”

Use your photographic eye to go out and find “a world that lies waiting to be discovered and revealed.”

Marc Silber:

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