AYP Tips: Using Flash

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On today’s episode of AYP, we talk about different ways and techniques on using flash to get a natural, non-flash look. We show you different gears you can use to get different results as well as a breakdown on how each tool differs from one another.

Key Points

  • The flash itself
    • bounce it off walls
    • control the direction and power of flash
  • Bounce reflector
    • mimics light source larger than the flash
    • softens light source
  • Direct Diffuser
    • similar to bounce reflector but focuses light
  • Dome Diffuser
    • broader light
    • combination of reflector and diffuser
  • Expose for light properly

Flash can be used many different ways so be sure to experiment and see what works best for you. Don’t forget to take what you learn and share your work with us on our photo critique page.

Be inspired, shoot, and share.

Check out the gear used in this video and other gear that can be helpful:


Nathaniel Chu:

View Comments (4)

  • Is this a parody video? You place a mini soft box on your flash yet fail to explain why it makes a difference. Size of light source v size of subject. So difference is minimal. Then you keep it on but aim head at ceiling, making the pointless gadget irrelevant because the ceiling acts as a huge light source. Then you attached the plastic. OMG. Seriously?

  • Set ETTL to +1? why? TTL should account for the loss of power due to bouncing. And why would you bounce with a diffuser on, that makes no sense at all! Use the zoom facility on the flash if you want wider spread, the diffuser is doing nothing but losing precious flash power.

  • Today on #AYP, we take a look at different techniques and tools used to shoot with flash. #photography #photog