Photos from Africa!

We recently went to South Africa, what an amazing place for a photographer! I’m still processing over 1000 images that I returned with, but I’m putting up a few right away:

You see here one of the many lions we had a chance to meet!

We stayed at the beautiful and, as you can see, very conveniently located, Tinstwalo Safari lodge. We dinned with the many large game that came by to drink and bathe, or maybe just to drop by to see us

Cape Buffalo at sunset, are, along with the hippo, considered to be the most dangerous animals in Africa.

Wild dogs are an endangered species and rarely seen.

Baby leopard (the other kind of leopard!)

Every sunset was an amazing time to shoot.

 Please stay tuned for more shots.

Marc Silber:

View Comments (6)

  • Some cool shots, look forward to going someday myself as i have inlaws there… Oh i quick bit of advice: never confuse water buffalo for Cape buffalo it could prove fatal. The former are mellow domesticated work animals in many parts of Southeast Asia… the later and the shot above is indeed the later, are, along with the hippo, considered to be the most dangerous animals in Africa ;) to be fair they look quite similar

  • Some cool shots, look forward to going someday myself as i have inlaws there… Oh i quick bit of advice: never confuse water buffalo for Cape buffalo it could prove fatal. The former are mellow domesticated work animals in many parts of Southeast Asia… the later and the shot above is indeed the later, are, along with the hippo, considered to be the most dangerous animals in Africa ;) to be fair they look quite similar