We recently met back up with Bob Holmes and asked him to show us what’s in his bag. He gave us a look inside with some good tips along the way for cleaning dust from your camera’s card slots, packing spare equipment and packing a separate bag for use in the field and more–and catch the outtake at the end!. Thanks to Bob holmes for sharing. Be sure to catch his other videos
And thanks to our friends at ThinkTank
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Guys here's the bag Bob uses from ThinkTank -- you get extra goodies when you order here http://www.thinktankphoto.com/products/airport-international-v2-roller-camera-bag.aspx?code=AP-523
Bob Holmes talks to Marc about what's in his bag.Pro Photographer Bob Holmes-- What's in My bag?
Bob Holmes talks to Marc about what's in his bag.Pro Photographer Bob Holmes-- What's in My bag?
Vin LaX . Bob is one of the top pros in the world , National geographic, 37 books , Dozens of front magazine covers.etc etc
Do you have a backup laptop? Why not? How about a backup pocket rocket? You never know when your pocket rocket will fail and prevent you from getting the dust out of the card slots that may contaminate...what?. Another anal retired guy with a camera. Pro? Not likley.
Always good to see what's in a photographer's bag :-)
Great video! It's always interesting to hear what other photographers carry with them, Thanks for sharing
if i was a thief................