Siri on the Canon 5D Mkii

A Swedish hacker and robotics student named Björn Mabrö is claiming that he has successfully developed a custom firmware for the Canon 5D Mark II that adds Apple’s Siri voice assistant to the DSLR. Mabrö claims that the hack allows the camera to respond to 124 different voice commands that control everything from the shutter to changing values in settings.

Could you imagine talking to your camera during a shoot? That’d be very confusing to your subject.

When you think about it, it’s extremely simple to make it seem like Siri was ported to the 5Dii, make a few edits of an iPhone 4s screenshot, put it on the CF card, and review the images. If you could port a siri like interface to your DSLR, would you?


(via PetaPixel via @BjornMabro via Quesabesde via TecnoFotografia)

Ben Revzin: