Filmmaking Tips from the Award-Winning “Dream Team Directors”

Filmmaking Tips from the Award-Winning Dream Team Directors Award-winning writers, directors, and creators Daniel Lir and Bayou Bennet are here to teach you everything they've learned about filmmaking and photography--from working with amazing celebrities such as Mark Ruffalo, Anthony Mackie, and Coldplay, as well as famous brands like Adidas, MTV and MAC. They

Sports Photography Tips

4 Tips for Sports Photography An excerpt from Advancing Your Photography,  Chapter 7 Photo Credit: John Todd, Photographer  Whether it’s your kid’s baseball game or your favorite team, sports are always a great opportunity to capture some   stand-out images. Here are some tips from sports photographer John Todd, whose work has appeared in USA   Today, Sports Illustrated,

9 Photo Tips: Take Your Photographs to the Next Level

How to Take Your Photographs to the Next Level Photographer and author Marc Silber shares top 9 tips from his new book "AYP: A Handbook for taking photos you'll love." It has been a busy week at Silber Studios in Carmel, California. If you didn't know already, Marc Silber's new book, "Advancing Your Photography:

Outdoor Photography: Capture Your Adventures on Camera

Outdoor Photography Tips from Adventurer Chris Burkard Chris Burkard is an Instagram sensation, surf enthusiast and extreme photographer! In our latest video, "Chris Burkard's Tips for Taking Great Outdoor Photos," Chris shares at least a dozen tips for taking great outdoor photographs. His use of lighting and composition take us inside the waves.