Rooftopping Is The New Fad

Image Provided via Google Search Yaroslav Kolchin, a 24-year-old tourist from Russia, illegally trespassed on to the Brooklyn Bridge in order to take a picture from atop of it. This act is known as rooftopping: where people dangerously scale to the top of a structure in order to capture photos of themselves and

AYP Insider: Life as an Intern

I am an Intern for Advancing Your Photography, and this is my life: If you happened to visit Advancing Your Photography anytime this past year, you would know what I mean when I say that it was an eyesore. It was clear to me and everyone else that something needed to change-- quick. We knew the site

Key To Success – Organization

From photographers to CEOs, organization goes a long way; especially at work. It's hard enough trying to keep track of deadlines and meetings, let alone creative ideas. Throw in your personal life and suddenly the window ledge on the top floor looks like a sanctuary. Thankfully, there is a safer and better solution. Alykhan Jetha,

Remembering the Photography of Allen Ginsberg

Here's an interesting look into the life of Allen Ginsberg by a friend of our blog, Eve Pearce. Eve is an avid photographer who likes summer sunsets and writing in cafes. She looked into the life of Ginsberg and discovered that like all of us here, he had a keen interest in photography. Remembering the