13 Composition Tips to Help You Step Up Your Photography

13 Composition Tips to help you step up your photography    Composition is the heart of your photography. Here’s wisdom from 6 world-class photographers:  Joe McNally (@joemcnallyphoto) tells you to bend the rules Camille Seaman (@camilleseaman) says think of everything as shapes and learn to "choreograph" your images Ed Kashi (@edkashi) tells us

Outdoor Photography: Capture Your Adventures on Camera

Outdoor Photography Tips from Adventurer Chris Burkard Chris Burkard is an Instagram sensation, surf enthusiast and extreme photographer! In our latest video, "Chris Burkard's Tips for Taking Great Outdoor Photos," Chris shares at least a dozen tips for taking great outdoor photographs. His use of lighting and composition take us inside the waves.

12 Creative Composition Tips for Photographers

Twelve Tips for How to Compose Creative Photographs Award-Winning photographer Huntington Witherill keeps his creative composition tips coming in our new video, "Photography Tips: Composition Secrets with Huntington Witherill, Ep.2." In Marc Silber's Show, Advancing Your Photography's latest video, wildly-imaginative photographer Huntington Witherill reveals twice as many creative composition tips for photography. He opens up