
Lighting Techniques Photographers Need to Know

National Geographic Photographer Says He Rarely Uses Flash In "Lighting Tips Pt. II," photographer Bob Holmes explains his award-winning lighting techniques plus how he captures the light from day to night. Practice. Practice. Practice. Ask almost any photographer and they'll tell you in order to capture beautiful photographs consistently, you need to practice. One of the most important photography

iPhone Photography Tips That Will Surprise You

  Shot with iPhone 6  plus. Hey guys! It seems like everyone is a "photographer" these days, in one platform or another. Whether you're a traditional photographer with a studio, pumping out prints for weddings and other big gigs, or you post pics daily on Instagram and Facebook (#nofilter). This week it's all about the social media kings and queens! We've

Imaginative Photography

Image via behance.net   Martin De Pasquale is an artist and photographer based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has a knack for creating imaginative photography through his photographs that show daily nuances in a different light. He uses programs such as Photoshop, Poser and 3DS Max, to recreate images  to distort reality to

Opening Day, A Photography Buffet

Opening Day, A Photography Buffet Image via Google The smell of popcorn, hot dogs, and fresh-cut grass can only mean one thing: today is opening day, and it's awesome. For those of us who are baseball fanatics, today is our own national holiday. It marks the beginning of a 6-month long emotional roller coaster ride that