How to Shoot Like a Pro

  Shoot Photos Like a Pro  Award-winning photographer Bob Holmes is sharing his top tips for success Click to watch video   Buy Advancing Your Photography  Handbook.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just when you thought award-winning photographer Bob Holmes couldn't be more inspiring...Bob is back in our latest installment of Advancing Your Photography Show. In this episode, Marc begins talking to Bob

Photography Tips: The Key to Capturing Emotion

Famous rockstar and sports photographer shares his tips for capturing emotion and reality This week's featured photographer is all about capturing the feeling of his subjects and events. He's captured the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Mick Jagger, Madonna, The Rolling Stones, Ray Charles, and Joe Montana. Michael Zagaris a.k.a "Z-Man," has rubbed elbows and captured

Outdoor Photoshoot with Huntington Witherill

Start to Finish Photoshoot Tips with Huntington Witherill Photographer Huntington Witherill shares how he visualizes a photo and tells us why he doesn't always take his camera with him. Grab your sunscreen and flip flops. Marc Silber's Advancing Your Photography Show heads to the beach in this week's episode, "Landscape Photography shoot and tips with Huntington Witherill."

12 Creative Composition Tips for Photographers

Twelve Tips for How to Compose Creative Photographs Award-Winning photographer Huntington Witherill keeps his creative composition tips coming in our new video, "Photography Tips: Composition Secrets with Huntington Witherill, Ep.2." In Marc Silber's Show, Advancing Your Photography's latest video, wildly-imaginative photographer Huntington Witherill reveals twice as many creative composition tips for photography. He opens up

iPhone Photography Tips That Will Surprise You

  Shot with iPhone 6  plus. Hey guys! It seems like everyone is a "photographer" these days, in one platform or another. Whether you're a traditional photographer with a studio, pumping out prints for weddings and other big gigs, or you post pics daily on Instagram and Facebook (#nofilter). This week it's all about the social media kings and queens! We've

Taking A Selfie

Watch The Full Video It's the photo-taking sensation that is taking the world by storm. You've seen them with their phones held out in front of them, smiling. We're talking about selfies. But why do some selfies turn out better than others? Check out this week's episode of AYP to learn the proper way to

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AYP Archives: Mark Isham – How To Create A Movie Soundtrack

Watch The Full Video Multi award-winning composer Mark Isham is in his studio and discusses his process for composing. He shares his advice for filmmakers and aspiring creative individuals. Follow his insightful tips about the process of fitting music to images to create a movie soundtrack that grabs you emotionally and much more. From his IMDb bio: "From his days as

AYP Archives: Backpacking With Your Camera Gear Today we dig into our video archives and bring a very useful tip from our very own Marc Silber. You've seen those breath-taking photos of waterfalls and sunsets overlooking a gorge, and now it's your turn to take a crack at shooting them. But what do you do with all of your camera gear? Follow