Urban Outfitters and photographer Jason Lee Parry are the focus of a new lawsuit brought about by the parents of an under-aged girl who was photographed in a sexually suggestive pose with her legs spread apart. But now Parry is defending the photo, saying the model, a then-15 year old Hailey Clausen, knew what was happening and that her parents approved it.

“I look at it and think, ‘this is a really cool shot,'” the 32 year old Parry told ABC’s Good Morning America on Monday.

The image, which shows Clausen in leather shorts on the back of a motorcycle, was taken a year and a half ago and has since been featured in fashion magazines and on t-shirts sold by retailer Urban Outfitters.

But now Clausen’s parents are suing Parry, Outfitters and two other stores for $28 million, claiming the photograph is “blatantly salacious,” portrays a child in a “sexually suggestive manner” and has caused damage to Clausen’s reputation.

The lawsuit also claims that the model’s “crotch area

[is] the focal point of the image” and speculates that the photograph has become “the object of prurient interests and provides wallpaper for the likes of pedophiles.”

Parry, however, says Clausen is a professional model who knew exactly what she was doing, and that her father approved of the images after the shoot.

But in the end, says Parry, all of the controversy surrounding permission and sexuality is pointless if there is no actual nudity.

“The real question that’s here, ‘Is she showing anything? Is she showing private parts?’ That’s the real question,” Parry told GMA. “Now if that was the case, I would completely understand. I never thought I’d be with you now, here, on ABC, about a girl wearing shorts and a button-up shirt.”