What’s New at Silber Studios

Eiffel Tower at Dusk
How do you capture images of something as iconic as the Eiffel Tower without turning it into a total cliche? Exploring around with my camera, I found this view of the base, set off against the fading light of dusk, pretty intriguing. As a tip, it’s always a good idea to experiment with angles and heights to find your unique view. BTW, we printed this as a special edition, custom framed and rather handsome on the wall. If you’re interested to know how this might look on one of your walls, let us know.     
Help Us Launch our New Photography Series
Please take two minutes for a survey on photography. Your input will help us when we take our new series to sponsors so we can get out and shoot all those talented photographers sharing their insight and tips. This new series will be edgier and more behind- the-scenes, so you can see exactly how they work their magic.  Stay tuned and meanwhile you can catch  our previous shows here.

Video Production

We’ve been very busy helping a variety of companies tell their stories in an engaging and compelling way. As a recent example, Bebe au Lait, a wonderful company right here in Los Gatos,  asked us to craft some videos about their products for—you guessed itmoms and babies. Have a look at this one we just produced for them. The video was based on an interview with the co-owner and mom discussing the product she designed.You’ve heard me talk about why we like to start with a strong interview. It comes across as a conversation between two people because that’s exactly what it is. No one has to face the camera alone and try to remember lines and somehow sound natural. It’s really just my conversation with them, to which we add other shots illustrating what’s being discussed. BTW, for tips on video production, you can grab our free ebook here.
And hey, if you’d like a free consultation about how to tell your story visually, click here.
Have I Told you Lately That I love…
…to hear from you? I really do love your feedback, questions, requests or whatever’s on your mind. The easiest way to get in touch is to simply hit reply to this email or click here. If you’d like to have a conversation just let me know too…
Marc Silber:

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